Sunday, November 23, 2008

I'll only--fat chance--live it once.

My second tone poem is by Andrew Hudgins and it is titled Mostly My Nightmares Are Dull. I read both of the poems in the Norton by him (pg. 856-857) and I found that this poet's thoughts on life are very depressing. The tone throughout Nightmares is clearly regretful and almost self-degrading in the way that he chastises himself for his "bourgeois nightmare" and the fact that a "little fear" breaks him. When he meets his family members in his dreams, he realizes that he doesn't really feel anything for his dead family members. The tone is careless by the end, he talks about waking up from such a powerful dream he describes that would certainly move other people to feel something because it is about their family members, but to this man, it doesn't do anything. He just lives life carelessly. None of this phases him.

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